GreenJ's TypeScript Readme Stats

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GitHub Routes

Github Profile Stats<username>

- This route provides the all the commits, pull requests, issues, and repositories created by the user plus total stars earned and total projects contributed to. The stats are also compiled to provide an overall grade to the statistics provided.

Green84 Github Profile Stats

Github Commit Streak<username>

- This route provides details for the user's current github commit streak, the longest recorded github commit streak, and the total number of contributions since account creation.

Green84 Github Commit Streak

Github Languages Used<username>

- This route provides the user's top 8 most used languages within all of their owned github repositories.

Green84 Github Languages Used

LeetCode Routes

LeetCode Profile Stats<username>

- This route provides the completion percentage, reputaion and contribution scores, total badges earned, and total stars earned. The stats are then compiled to provide an overall grade to the statistics provided.

Green84 LeetCode Profile Stats

LeetCode Questions Solved<username>

- This route provieds the user's overall leetcode completion and breaks it down by question difficulty. It also provided the leetcode ranking and acceptance percentage.

Green84 LeetCode Questions Solved

LeetCode Recent Questions Answered<username>

-This route provides a list of latest 6 questions answered by the user on the leetcode platform.

Green84 LeetCode Recent Questions Answered

LeetCode Activity Steak<username>

- This route provides details for the user's leetcode total activity. It provided the user's longest streak and the year it was achieved, the percentatge and actual platform completion stats, and the total activty on the platform both all time and within the current year.

Green84 LeetCode Activity Steak

WakaTime Routes

Wakatime Profile Insights<username>

- This route provides details for the user's overall profile insights. This includes, the user's top language and percentage of coding it takes up, average daily coding time, top project developing, and top items for programming category, editor used, and operating system used.

Green84 Wakatime Profile Insights

Wakatime Languages Used<username>

This route provides a detailed view of the user's top 6 languages used in development with percentages and a pie chart display.

Green84 Wakatime Languages Used

Wakatime Stats<username>

- This route provides a concise detailed view of average daily development time, total days of activity, longest day development stats and total hours of development on the platform.

Green84 Wakatime Stats